PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? September 24, 2022 10:12PM
PPL West is offering a 5inch pro stock,4.1 limited pro, light pro,8500 lp 9500 ProFarm. What is the purpose of adding another limited pro class? Is this a way to steal outlaw pros?

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? September 24, 2022 10:48PM
Where are the rules posted? THIS will be an awesome alternative to the block splitting big charger class, Also non of the other "limited" classes allow component chassis, This will end up taking over state and regional pro stock rules.

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? September 25, 2022 01:15AM
FYI… NTPA added the class also. Outlaws sport all of the classes you listed above as well. It was added due to its growing popularity as several are stepping up to this class. It’s increasing numbers at outlaw events too. As far as “stealing” tractors, competitors will go run wherever they want to, it’s called freedom of choice….

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? September 25, 2022 11:20AM
2 Different Limited Pros broke drivetrain components at Wheatland on Friday. That was a class of 15. To say cast chassis aren’t being pushed to and past the limit of failure is just not looking at the facts.

As for everyone complaining about the class, this is what you get when pullers don’t know what’s good for em.

Take either limited or light pro, either one, make components legal (notice I didn’t say mandated like some seem to think it would be) and this 5.0 Pro stays in Outlaws.

The argument of “if you want a component, build for a class where they are legal” holds no water with me. To assume that just because a Light/Limited guy wants a component they are ready to play with the budgets of people such as Simons/Coney/Rauen/Svonevec(I know he sold out but it still makes my case) is an absurd thing to say.

I’ll even add in the argument, put a turbo limit on the Pro Stock class, maybe not 5.0, but 5.5-5.7ish? This would also most likely have eliminated the desire for this 5.0 Pro class to come east.

I know several guys in the big Pro class are tired of having to spend the money they are, and trash so much equipment. What do they do though? No way after being used to the ease and durability of a component are these guys gonna fight with the problems of ever aging cast iron chassis.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease though, and everyone complains at the mention of a new class, so PPL/NTPA (and I know other state organizations are eyeing it as well) decided not to invent one, but adopt the rules of a class that seemed to solve the problem of both of these classes, has shown some real viability, and strong numbers out west.

Shout out to Outlaws on this one, I was critical of some of their rules at first, but they really got it right with their Pro Stock Class rules in the long run.

Pro Guys who want a limit can easily come down. Light/Limited guys who want a component, this is a feasible step for them to take that will likely still continue to have the same motor durability of their current class, while eliminating the worry of chassis breakage(which then in turn lots of times also leads to a trashed motor that otherwise would have reliably ran for years)

The writing has been on the wall about this one for a long time, a lot of people just decided they didn’t wanna read.

Just my 2 cents tho

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? September 25, 2022 01:37PM
Oddly enough just watched a new video on Facebook of a light pro driveline failure resulting in the departure of several connecting rods from their intended location

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? September 25, 2022 03:01AM
Outlaw 5.0 Class does allow Components. I would bet that NTPA 5.0 class will be component also.

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? September 25, 2022 03:08AM
Yes, it's a component class as discussed here: [www.pulloff.com]

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? September 25, 2022 05:42AM
Components should be allowed in every class over 4"................

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? September 25, 2022 06:12AM
Ummmm idk about that. Light pro stock and limited pro seem to be holding up really well without components. I don't see the point in making them component, be ause it might take away pullers from the class.

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? September 27, 2022 04:20AM
Wyatt Schulte
Ummmm idk about that. Light pro stock and limited pro seem to be holding up really well without components. I don't see the point in making them component, be ause it might take away pullers from the class.

Or,....it might add quite a few to it..............Smoking

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? September 25, 2022 06:35AM
reality fannatic
Components should be allowed in every class over 4"................

Absolutely correct

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? September 25, 2022 06:22AM
I may be wrong but I could see the 5in Outlaw class become the most built for class in the future, Limited Pro’s are already reaching those hp numbers that are detrimental on on drive lines and all the small block red and green pro’s tired of getting stomped by the BB Deere pro’s. Just look at results from Outlaw Pro’s, multiple different winners and including 2 different red tractors with Wins.

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? September 25, 2022 11:32PM
Not for or against but there are way too many classes now.

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? September 27, 2022 04:22AM
Definitely to many classes. At this point lets just start at 6,000lb and go to 12,000lb every thousand pounds is a different class like a local stock farm pull. Adding yet another class is a f***ing joke.

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? September 27, 2022 05:25AM
So theoretically there is a 3,4,5 and 6 inch class pick your poison and run it !

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? September 27, 2022 05:33AM
The 3 and 4 inch tractors are cast iron and smaller cubes and the 5 and 6 inch tractors are component and big cube it really makes more sense than some people are giving it credit for.

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? September 27, 2022 06:25AM
I like it. Whats your thoughts on cubes. 466 540 640 680? I would be all for it if these where the only 4 single charger classes and they we left alone. None of this to chicken to jump to the 4in class so let's go from 3 to 3.5 bs

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? September 27, 2022 12:45AM
This charger thing and chassis thing wouldn't be as big of a deal if the cubic inches weren't so big keep them in the low to mid 500s and we aren't turning 6" charger's. 640 and 680ci is the problem. I know that lps is breaking things also but if the CI was held in check years ago alot of these problems would not have been happening. And maybe we wouldn't have 10 different versions of single charger classes.
As for the cast ag chassis or component chassis there's nothing that isn't altered in any of these high powered machines so I really don't care either way because the cost to build a pulling vehicle isn't cost effective in ANY level of truck and tractor pulling. It's all in what each individual person is comfortable with.

Completely missed the point September 27, 2022 08:15AM
My question and concern is why is there a need for 6 classes over 540ci.

Re: Completely missed the point September 27, 2022 10:01AM
Because everybody wants a trophy, so they make more classes so no one's feeling are hurt.

Re: Completely missed the point September 27, 2022 11:35AM
Ding ding ding we have a winner. Less classes more competition worked great in the 70's 80's 90's early 2000's but we are a society of cry babies today. If you don't win or get you're way just build another sandbox aka start another class. Before long we won't even have to actually have the pulls. Just sign in on you're phone and you will automatically get first place. Save everyone time and money to.

Re: Completely missed the point September 27, 2022 05:07PM
The reason why we have so many classes is that we have one class that went unchecked and should have been and that is Pro Stock. If pro stock had originally had a 540 limit and a turbo limit we would not be having this discussion. When pro stock was conceived it was a budget alternative to Super stock and the rules should have been created in that form. Had reasonable limits been put in place we would probably have three big classes, a 470-510 pro Farm, Pro Stock and Super Stock. The big money power players would be in SS and we would have 30 to 50 good ss tractors in the country. pro stock numbers would be double of super and probably the same amount of pro farms as pro stock. There probably wouldn't be such thing as a pro stock component either, likely wouldn't need to be. So here we are trying to reinvent the wheel once again and diluting numbers from pullers in 4.1 that might want to move up and pros who want to go back to when pro stocks had more reliability. Unless the five oh charger pulls some rides out of mothballs it's not the best case scenario.

Re: Completely missed the point September 28, 2022 05:21AM
How do we fix the mistakes of the past and get to where we should've been all along with just the 3 classes?

My opinion as a prostock puller October 03, 2022 02:31AM
Hello Everyone.

As a puller in the 10 pro class litterlly my entire 25+ year pulling career, I would like to offer my opinion or thoughts. I appreciate and respect everyone's opinion, but here are mine.

1. I love pulling prostock!! It used to be you could update your motor/turbo and be competitive for a couple years. Now its consistantly a yearly process, and if you dont you will be a class filler 40 feet behind. If you have any amount of competitive juices inside of you, that plain sucks!!! Now you through the tire upgrades that are happening, you can ad another 15k plus to your yearly expences.

2. As a IH guy my whole life, I have run a red motor my whole life. Plain and simple the durability and lack of engine builders for the IH prostock motor is why I think you see the green motors dominate. They simply out number us. The Dyno proves the green motors can produce more horsepower and torque that the red one. I know a few select are trying and doing well, but I would not like to cost and time to be competive that this level. The majority of the spectators dont care what is underneath the hood. Like Rob Russell told me, he has a black prostock motor under the hood. He just wants to win!! I really like my engine builder, and believe in him. He is close to where I live and has always treated me good. That is why I am staying with him.

3. Do I think we have to many classes. YES!! In my opnion Making a less horsepower class is a great idea, but we need to phase out or combine some classes going forward. Here are my thoughts. Put 30.5 tires on the big prostock class. I love the 540 light pro class. If it went component, I would build down to that class. The 4.1 class and new class maybe could be phased into one class.

4. Im just tired of spending all the money. And I dont spend anywhere near what a puller pulling the national level does. But I love the pullers and their families I have pulled with for my entire adult life. That is why I do it. The ride is just extra. I dont want to get out, but I think we do need an option for puller who both want to build down and still pull, and for the pullers whom what to build up, but maybe not to the top prostock class.

That all being said, the Badger State prostock class many times this year had better numbers than the national events (minus a few events). Next year the class could be huge if all get the parts they are waiting on. It will be interesting what the discussion will be like at the winter meeting. Time will tell. Again just my opinion.


Re: My opinion as a prostock puller October 03, 2022 01:27PM
5 inch turbo won't change much in cost,sure it'll be less for a while,till r&d gets up to full speed,then it'll right back to where it's at now

Re: My opinion as spectator October 04, 2022 02:04AM
Just my opinion as a spectator who travels to dozens of events a year. I feel the 5" ProStock class could be great. I feel they could offer just as good of show as the other Prostocks. I feel they could be slightly more cost effective than traditional Prostocks. But I feel the bigger problem is going to be the look. Let me explain. All these ProStock classes look the same. The Light Pro, Limited Pro, 5" Pro, and Prostock all look the same. From a spectator stand point, they all look and perform the same. And depending how the sled settings go, they all run close to the same mph and distances. To the average fan, they're the same thing. Yes someone like me knows the difference. But not the average person And even if the announcer explaines the difference, if the mph and distance is the same, the crowd doesn't understand it.

Something else to consider with this. How many new tractors are being built each year? By adding another Prostock class, what are we loosing from other classes.
5 classes of 10 tractors always puts on a better show than 10 classes of 5 tractors. If a 5" Pro Class pulls tractors away from Prostock, Limited Pro, and Light Pro, did we gain anything except lower class numbers. I understand there are 5" Pros that exist already, but are they looking for more places to hook and are they going to travel to these events?

In all, I like the rules for this 5" Pro class and think it could be awesome class with close competition. But are we going to gain more than we loose. Last thing, with it being a 5" turbo class, are we just years away from all the Prostock classes being this way. In 10 years are we just going to have 4.1" Prostock, 5" Prostock, 6" Prostock, and Open Prostock?

Re: My opinion as spectator October 04, 2022 03:28AM
Just my opinion as a spectator who travels to dozens of events a year. I feel the 5" ProStock class could be great. I feel they could offer just as good of show as the other Prostocks. I feel they could be slightly more cost effective than traditional Prostocks. But I feel the bigger problem is going to be the look. Let me explain. All these ProStock classes look the same. The Light Pro, Limited Pro, 5" Pro, and Prostock all look the same. From a spectator stand point, they all look and perform the same. And depending how the sled settings go, they all run close to the same mph and distances. To the average fan, they're the same thing. Yes someone like me knows the difference. But not the average person And even if the announcer explaines the difference, if the mph and distance is the same, the crowd doesn't understand it.

Something else to consider with this. How many new tractors are being built each year? By adding another Prostock class, what are we loosing from other classes.
5 classes of 10 tractors always puts on a better show than 10 classes of 5 tractors. If a 5" Pro Class pulls tractors away from Prostock, Limited Pro, and Light Pro, did we gain anything except lower class numbers. I understand there are 5" Pros that exist already, but are they looking for more places to hook and are they going to travel to these events?

In all, I like the rules for this 5" Pro class and think it could be awesome class with close competition. But are we going to gain more than we loose. Last thing, with it being a 5" turbo class, are we just years away from all the Prostock classes being this way. In 10 years are we just going to have 4.1" Prostock, 5" Prostock, 6" Prostock, and Open Prostock?

I agree 100% with the sediment of this post. I'm also a spectator that goes to many events every year.

The only time the different between a 10,000 pro stock and a limited pro has ever been visible is when the Limited Edition and Special Edition Limited Pros decided to pull in the 10000 pro stock class at BG and were 80 feet behind the action.

But most fans were probably too drunk to even notice.

Re: Completely missed the point September 27, 2022 12:35PM
Lim Pro Puller
My question and concern is why is there a need for 6 classes over 540ci.

I sure did miss your point as your original post contains 2 classes over 640…… soooo what is your point?

Re: Completely missed the point September 29, 2022 01:49AM
Why do you care so much? Why does everybody who goes on this website think there should only be a certain amount of classes per cubic inch? If the class has been made, let it be!

Re: Completely missed the point September 29, 2022 01:58AM
Don't really care how many classes there are just don't try to make every podunk class a GN class!!! There are too many of them already!

Re: Completely missed the point September 29, 2022 03:00PM
So international guys complain about 680 cubes in pro stock, but now 680 will be ok as long as we run with a 5 inch turbo. Kinda sounds like if you cant beat them change rules so you can
Pro stock has always been since begining one turbo and spin what you can. In the 80s and 90s when green was behind no problem with 680 or what size turbo. But now there is a problem. Elnio is running strong and I think with more work they will dial it in. Rodney won the big money pull last year at Wagler. Cody Shay won the Waterloo pull for a raised purse last year. This year Rodney was only a few feet off Simon. Maybe instead of complaining about BBD maybe keep working on it and the red ones will be back on top again, then the b
BBD finds something and there on top again. So on and so on thats what makes this sport great.
These young guys thinking outside the box and find something that works and we go to another level it makes pulling and watching great

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/29/2022 03:14PM by Dick Morgan.

Re: Completely missed the point September 30, 2022 12:16AM
This has nothing to do with 680 cubes or bbjd vs sbjd vs bbjd. This is strictly durability. The parts availability is way worse and the time for most of the guys to keep them running isn't there unless your paying someone full time to wrench. This is about keeping iron on the track.

Re: Completely missed the point September 30, 2022 03:49PM
so to missed point heres what will happen since ih guys cant seem to run right now with bbjd the ih guys will go to 5 inch because they can win and bbjd guys will stay where they are but then fair boards will choose which class they want in turn making bbjd come back to 5 inch. tractor pulling has always been expensive and yes it seems out of hand but so is alot of other things, I wonder if ih was on top would this be an issue. Ive been reading on here for awhile about 680 cubes needing to cut cubes back bbjd has unfair advantage with bore spacing since that isnt working we will go turbo

Re: Completely missed the point October 01, 2022 12:05AM
so to missed point heres what will happen since ih guys cant seem to run right now with bbjd the ih guys will go to 5 inch because they can win and bbjd guys will stay where they are but then fair boards will choose which class they want in turn making bbjd come back to 5 inch. tractor pulling has always been expensive and yes it seems out of hand but so is alot of other things, I wonder if ih was on top would this be an issue. Ive been reading on here for awhile about 680 cubes needing to cut cubes back bbjd has unfair advantage with bore spacing since that isnt working we will go turbo

Sorry to burst your theory but BBJD is already running and winning in the 5.0 class. Their is actually more green than red in the class. So maybe your argument doesn’t hold much water? Missed point’s post above is considerably more accurate on the reasoning for the class than your anti BBJD rambling

Re: Completely missed the point October 01, 2022 12:13AM
I’m sorry, but this whole argument of “Only IH guys want a 5.0 Class” just does not hold any water. If you think BBJD pullers aren’t tired of constantly tearing down their motor mid season, then you haven’t talked to any Pro Stock Pullers.

The guy who proposed the rule at Enderle for NTPA to take it on as a Regional class is the current Grand National Champion…who has 2 big blocks.

Several Champions Tour Pullers(which are all BBJD) have said they want to see the class gain a little more traction, but if it does they are wanting to drop down.

Yes pulling is expensive no matter what, but to say that the Pro Stock class isn’t on a drastically higher level from a cost perspective is just being ignorant. And a lot of people, even BBJD pullers, are tired of it.

Re: Completely missed the point October 01, 2022 12:54AM
I thought everyone was just saying how the pro stock class was fine, numbers are great, no need to change anything! Now the 5” class has come about, if the pro class is doing so great what’s need for this? The cross dressing hasn’t helped numbers in anything, if anything it’s hurt it!

Re: Completely missed the point October 01, 2022 02:00AM
I thought everyone was just saying how the pro stock class was fine, numbers are great, no need to change anything! Now the 5” class has come about, if the pro class is doing so great what’s need for this? The cross dressing hasn’t helped numbers in anything, if anything it’s hurt it!

Cross dressing is the worst thing to ever grace the tractor classes. It is a perfect example of the sanctioning organizations being lazy and not doing their job. The Hyper block was never a CaseIH part and to say it was,.. is just plain stupidity. Another example is the 10 pro class,.. they limited the exhaust side to 6" with the idea that they would limit the intake to 6" the next year,..however that year ended up being the year of the covid BS and very little sanctioned 10 pro events happened that year. Fast forward to today ...6.4 and bigger intake wheels now in the class. Anyone you thinks durability and increasing horsepower go hand in hand needs to remove their self from this conversation.

Bottom line....aftermarket blocks are here and not going away.... sanctioning bodies will not do anything that the heavy hitters/class sponsors/event promoters that run several tractors in this class do not want done.

Re: Completely missed the point October 01, 2022 05:14AM
Why does this always go back to IH guys being the problem? Just because they are the predominant choice for about every class, The great John Deere’s have all these new engine designs and are thought to be so much better but still aren’t the dominant force that a tractor/engine design from the 70’s was and are yet today. Seems to me they aren’t the ones with the problem

Re: Completely missed the point October 01, 2022 01:28PM
then why are the ih guys continually complaining about 680 cubes and around here they call 6030 toads and are hated like the covid

Re: Completely missed the point October 01, 2022 01:34PM
Maybe just maybe you happen to have a bbjd and your taking things a little too personal. Chill out and try and look at it as what would be best for the sport as a whole.

Re: Completely missed the point October 02, 2022 01:00PM
me thinks

Iam thinking of the sport as a whole we have super farm on 24.5 4.1 on 24.5 5.0 on 24.5 pro stock on 24.5 and 8500 limited pro and light pro stock on 24.5 it will be like going to gordyville you wont kn ow when they changed classes whats the pointr of 5.0 and a 4.1 if you want 5.0 drop 4.1.

Re: Completely missed the point October 02, 2022 01:31PM
I agree with droping a class, or 2 or 4. Way to many classes. But I still think 680 is to much. I would rather limit cubes and nothing else than have high cubes and limit turbo, pump, fuel, ect. Set the cube limit that will hold up for all brands and let everything else be free to the individual puller to decide what they want to run. But then I am an IH guy. Or atleast get rid of cross dressing. That rule is just wrong in every way.

Re: Completely missed the point October 01, 2022 02:44AM
You must realize that the prostock class is out of hand. When limits were asked guys said we're pros we don't have limits until they have 0 durability left. The big pro class is beyond the time of a limit. What if I told you part of the ultimate goal is to get guys to jump back to the 5". Then the big class will take care of itself. The 5" is popular out West and gaining numbers and there are plenty of east guys with turbos ordered already for the new class. I've personally watched the 5" class and that is a stout turbo that lives making mid 3000hp. At Rock Valley I watched them go 36 mph in 340ft. And roar just like big pros. The crowd doesn't know there's 9 weights in the box instead of 10. The track is still 300ft and the speed is still the same.

Re: Completely missed the point September 29, 2022 02:45AM
Because some of us still like competition. Pulling in a class week after week with only the same 3 to 6 tractors is boring. Yes a few big pulls a year the numbers are good, but not week to week. Too many classes water down the competition. I would rather pull against 30 tractors and get 10th than win every time against 5. And the points race is a joke. Make all the pulls on the schedule and you almost guaranteed to get top 2 or 3 in points even if you're not competitive in the class. This all hurts the sport from the point of drawing more spectators. If you want pulling to stay the way it is fine. But I for one will always believe that with less classes, unified rules, more competition, a national coast to coast top tier schedule, pulling could get to the same level as nascar, nhra, pbr, ect.

Since you asked, that's why I care so much.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/29/2022 03:19AM by Dick Morgan.

Re: Completely missed the point September 29, 2022 05:34AM
Last post was to Lim Pro puller.

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? October 01, 2022 01:58AM
It has always amazed me what would possess anyone to want a huge cubic inch engine. They are expensive and unreliable. It seems to me there is an opportunity here for a reasonable change in these single charger classes. There are basically 3 group's here; 1200 to 1500 hp 2000 to 3000 hp and 3500+ hp. At 1200 to 1500hp cast iron and 510 inches has proven to be a good combination and a well balanced class. When you go to the 2000 to 3000 hp group 540 inches and component chassis (not mandatory) make a sensible and pretty reliable situation and a good place to keep out $20000 pumps and turbos. When you cross over to the over 3000hp group components and 600 inches are plenty and still attainable to all brands. At this point big pumps and chargers will still work and things should be more reliable . These are just some reasonable ideas that would make things more reliable and affordable (and safer) now these are just some thoughts on the situation

Cubic Inch Limits October 01, 2022 03:00AM
NTPA had No Cubic Inch Limits, for way, way, way too long, for most of the 'old' classes.
When they finally set those limits, for each class, 680 was the current biggest PS engine pulling. Thus it was grandfathered in as that was the class now mandated maximum cubes. I think that was the same situation in FWD, thus 650.
Thus, about the same situation in the other classes.
650 in SSO allowed the Cat 3208 (636), Perkins V8 (640).
TWD had several supercharged 650 motors competing, but a 575 limit was imposed because there were a lot of them already.

The newer classes have their cubic inch established at time of NTPA class sanctioned establishment.
If you want a real roller coaster of cubic inch mandate episodes, over the decades, you have to look no further than the Super Stocks. Compounded by politics and even one certain king in the US world of tractor pulling. Right and/or wrong, that's the way it's been forever in this class.

And the IH guys will never be happy until they dominate every tractor pulling class. They remind me of one particular political party.
And cross dressing has actually brought about seeing other tractor brands. Because their original motor is not viable for high power performance.
When cubic inch limits on the 'old' classes were finally established, who ever thought technology would increase at such a fast rate, to improve engine performance.

And NTPA trying to set some PS limits a couple years ago, was, once again, way too late. Especially, considering this class started out as an introductory and budget class.

Re: Cubic Inch Limits October 02, 2022 01:22PM
I agree with 99% of what you said... but I do have a few comments:

And the IH guys will never be happy until they dominate every tractor pulling class.

John Deere guys feel the same way (there's a reason why they like the 680 limit - it clearly favors them)... Ford guys would love to dominate all the classes... I'm sure most of the truly hardcore AC guys would love it if there was a 426 limit in all the classes! EVERY brand loyal puller feels this way about their brand.

And cross dressing has actually brought about seeing other tractor brands. Because their original motor is not viable for high power performance.

But you're not seeing other brands. Not at all. Not even a little bit. Your just seeing an aftermarket hood in a different color. When you watch Ken Veney run his Funny Lil Farmall mini does it make you feel like you're watching a Farmall? No, not even a little. That's how many of us feel like when we see a cross dressing tractor. It doesn't increase brand loyalty (one of the sports biggest strengths), it destroys brand loyalty. Look back a few years at the following of Harts vs Cope... no comparison. Caring what's under the hood is important to many of us (on the track or at the bar for the single folk out there).

When cubic inch limits on the 'old' classes were finally established, who ever thought technology would increase at such a fast rate, to improve engine performance.

I did. I predicted this exact scenario with aftermarket blocks, component tractors, cross dressing, turbo limits, etc... [/end patting myself on the back]

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: Cubic Inch Limits October 02, 2022 03:10PM
Jake,the 3 biggest things in the gn tractor classes,were bad medicine/ off brand..youngblood/ off brand..warpath/ off brand..there's way more people cheered for those 3 than all the others combined..Colberg could do that to sf and put excitement into that class too

Re: Cubic Inch Limits October 03, 2022 05:51AM
Jake,the 3 biggest things in the gn tractor classes,were bad medicine/ off brand..youngblood/ off brand..warpath/ off brand..there's way more people cheered for those 3 than all the others combined..Colberg could do that to sf and put excitement into that class too

Great observation. Totally agree.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? October 01, 2022 03:32PM
It doesnt even matter if its 5" rule, they dont require box turbo so they will just keep thinning wheels and gaining horsepower and blowing turbos up thus running into the same issues and the big prostock class, the never ending turbo game is a joke.

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? October 02, 2022 11:31AM
If limited/ light pros don’t need components, why does this class?

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? October 02, 2022 12:45PM
Would a tractor on alcohol be competitive in this 5in class?

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? October 02, 2022 01:46PM
If limited/ light pros don’t need components, why does this class?
There's a 4 digit increase in power from a 4.1 to a 5.0.

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? October 02, 2022 01:56PM
Richard Warren

If limited/ light pros don’t need components, why does this class?There's a 4 digit increase in power from a 4.1 to a 5.0.
Richard are you liking the switch to the 5.0 class? Happy you did it?

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? October 02, 2022 11:33PM

If limited/ light pros don’t need components, why does this class?There's a 4 digit increase in power from a 4.1 to a 5.0.
Richard are you liking the switch to the 5.0 class? Happy you did it?
Yes sir, I'm really enjoying the change. I'm glad I let Chris Waegele talk me into it! I have tons of good friends and memories in the 4.1 class but no regrets of the switch.

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? October 02, 2022 03:25PM
Why the 5.0 outlaw class is gaining popularity is because of the box turbo. One guy isn't getting the latest and greatest 1 year ahead of everyone else.

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? October 03, 2022 12:16AM
Box turbo
Why the 5.0 outlaw class is gaining popularity is because of the box turbo. One guy isn't getting the latest and greatest 1 year ahead of everyone else.

What? You mean only a chosen few are selected for the top shelf pumps and turbo’s? Surely this phenomenon is limited to only the prostock class and not every other class……. It’s almost like controlling the outcome or something ;-)

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? October 03, 2022 02:40AM
Soo.... what are they labeling this class? 5 inch turbo tractors? Limited pro stock? Souped up limited pro stock? Diminished Pro stock? I totally agree, that this step towards reasonable limitations is way over due. This will certainly hurt the Pro Stock class as we've been accustomed to, however if guys want to continue to throw money at a class that I believe will eventually die out due to extreme costs associated with it. I've seen this in lower level brush pull classes where there were little to no rules where 1 or 2 pulling teams step up and dominate the class until all the competition drops off and quits pulling thus killing the class because of the high costs to get competitive with the top 1 or 2. 9n the flip side, if you are going to have rules set forth, then they must be enforced.

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? October 03, 2022 03:47AM
Just curious
Soo.... what are they labeling this class?

Regional Pro Stock? Mods are called Regional Mods and Grand National Mods. I see no reason why that wouldn't work for PS.

One question I have is if guys build for this, will they also show up to pulls like Brandenburg, Canton, or even BGif there are no conflicting Regional hooks?

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? October 03, 2022 06:15AM
I'm sure they will! I think this will be hard on existing Pro's and a lot of guys wanting a component 4.1 to join in. I think big Pro Numbers will drop to a point the Class will be just Like USS and the Current Pro Class will die off. NTPA Lets big money guys push rules to far and history shows it will fix itself. That's why we have so many classes now.

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? October 03, 2022 08:03AM
The Original Michael

Soo.... what are they labeling this class?

Regional Pro Stock? Mods are called Regional Mods and Grand National Mods. I see no reason why that wouldn't work for PS.

One question I have is if guys build for this, will they also show up to pulls like Brandenburg, Canton, or even BGif there are no conflicting Regional hooks?

What about the western guys? WIth outlaw and the western series having this class, plus NTPA potentially having this class, where do the people in Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois fit in? We probably wouldn't have many hooks to pull at cause everybody else would take them! Also, I'm not a fan of this class, so why am I complaining?

Re: PPL 5 inch turbo class. WHY???? January 08, 2023 02:07AM
Are they going to run the 5 inch pros in NTPA and PPL this year?


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