10,000pd Altered Farm Class October 06, 2022 12:17AM
I want to start by saying, traditionally I am not a big fan of creating new classes. I feel that most of the time when a new class gets created, it just takes tractors out of an existing class. However, a couple clubs in S.W. WI, and N.E. IA have started to run a 10,000pd altered farm class and it's good. I have watched this class run multiple times this year with Tri-State Pullers and they put on a good show every time. And if you read through the rules, there is a lot of bang for your buck. I understand there is nothing "affordable" when it comes to pulling, but for someone looking to get into pulling and not break the bank, this could work. When you look at some of the rules, 2.4 turbo, 505 cubes, 3000rpm max, no speed limit, etc, it seems to work. Again, I don't like seeing new classes being created when all it does is take away from current classes. This class could get guys interested enough that some new tractors may get built. Just my opinion.

Re: 10,000pd Altered Farm Class October 06, 2022 12:43AM
This is nothing new. Every area that I have been in offers some version of this. Some call it Farm stock, some call it Too Hot Too Farm and others just call it Altered Farm as you have said. A few areas add a speed limit to it to try and limit the cost of the class, but it doesn't really work for that. I will say that with a speed limit, it seems to require more strategy and driving skill than no-speed-limit classes where the winner is usually who can go the fastest.

Re: 10,000pd Altered Farm Class October 06, 2022 06:18AM
Yes and some farmstock classes have no rules whatsoever…..

Re: 10,000pd Altered Farm Class October 06, 2022 09:26AM
To everyone talking about the fastest tractor winning because of no speed limit. Yes that is usually correct. It's just like every other class in pulling. Generally the faster you go, the further you go. It's like saying we should limit ProStocks to 25mph to keep it fair and the cost down. Then ProStock would be a drivers class, not a money thing. Really? MPH classes are fine for some people and possibly some classes. But if you think a MPH keeps cost down and always puts on a good show, I don't think so. Out of the 25-35 pulls a year I go to, I can tell you most fans don't love mph classes. Walk around and ask. I have. You can limit almost anything else, but they generally do not like speed limits. And if speed limits are an equilizer, how come a lot of the same people end up on top? And for the idea that a speed limit helps keep cost down, why are guys spending thousands in chargers and pumps to "keep up"? Nobody has to love this 2.4 class, but if you are looking to get into a open mph class, I don't feel this is a bad option.

Re: 10,000pd Altered Farm Class October 06, 2022 05:21AM
This class has gained a following, and i say good for them. Unfortunately you are correct is saying the fastest wins. This class rarely has the power to spin out with the small 2.4 turbo. when a hot farm tractor can't keep up they created this class. so cheap I would not call it... many running full tube chassis, Keizer wheels, Deep tread cuts, etc

In my opinion this was the typical needed a class for my tractor to win scenario. Hence the SW WI pullers 11,000 Altered class was born. 466 Hot farm and MPH Paced 11,000 Too hot to farm were both established and thriving in that area.

Re: 10,000pd Altered Farm Class October 06, 2022 05:29AM
I like the class a lot, wish we could get it going around Southwest Mn. But I do agree it should be uncut tires, factory frames no aluminum parts ETC.. Keep the cost down needed to win.


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