Ppl lights out? November 19, 2022 04:08PM
Ppl lights out?

Re: Ppl lights out? November 19, 2022 04:28PM

Re: Ppl lights out? November 20, 2022 12:55AM
Speaking of the PPL banquet. I was able to watch the 2nd half of it and who picked the music for Eric Stacey's video. That was horrible. All the winner videos I seen were good. And the music put with them was good with the exception of Stacey's. That was a miss. Rest of the banquet was alright

Re: Ppl lights out? November 20, 2022 02:16AM
Lucas Oil pulled out. No more money for pulling. Time for someone to step up and take the reins.

Re: Ppl lights out? November 20, 2022 02:23AM
So is it all of ppl or just the smaller series that are done?

Re: Ppl lights out? November 21, 2022 01:09AM
Im not sure its in stone that Lucas will not be a sponsor, just not the owner.They are doing the same in several other of their ventures. Could actually workout nice in long run.


Re: Ppl lights out? November 21, 2022 04:38AM
Well said Bob, couldn't have said it better.

We don't know if Lucas will: A.) completely pull out of truck and tractor pulling sponsorship. B.) be a contributing sponsor. C.) a title sponsor D.) the official oil. E.) etc... We don't know any real details yet where this is going. We don't even know if the PPL name will live on yet. I think the only thing we know is that Lucas Oil will no longer own a National Pulling Organization.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: Ppl lights out? November 20, 2022 03:02AM
Did this come out at the banquet or a rumor?

Re: Ppl lights out? November 20, 2022 04:01AM
Look for the new ownership soon.

Re: Ppl lights out? November 20, 2022 04:08AM
Came out at the banquet.

Brent Yaron
Hooked Up Pulling Productions

Re: Ppl lights out? November 20, 2022 04:27AM
One of the three doors seems to be opening. Lets hope someone uses this to bring pulling together and not drive it further apart.

Re: Ppl lights out? November 20, 2022 04:30AM
Smart business is PPL was sold before the announcement last night. Now its a wait game to see who ends up with them

Re: Ppl lights out? November 20, 2022 05:48AM
Smart business is PPL was sold before the announcement last night. Now its a wait game to see who ends up with them

Without Lucas Oil PPL has little to no value. NTPA purses just collapsed as a result. National level pulling is on it's last leg

Re: Ppl lights out? November 20, 2022 06:01AM
Truth Teller

Smart business is PPL was sold before the announcement last night. Now its a wait game to see who ends up with them

Without Lucas Oil PPL has little to no value. NTPA purses just collapsed as a result. National level pulling is on it's last leg

There is already a new owner. They knew it was going to happen, shopped it, and found a buyer. Will be announced tomorrow supposedly.

Re: Ppl lights out? November 20, 2022 11:33PM
And where is this big announcement supposed to be made?

Re: Ppl lights out? November 21, 2022 01:19AM
Tom Brokaw
And where is this big announcement supposed to be made?

Tom you are no doubt an imposter, a counterfeit Tom Brokaw! The real "Tom Brokaw" news anchor reports the news from his anchor desk and does not get on the air and ask questions!! He reports the news as he gets it! Now stop it Fake Tom!!! LOL!!

Re: Ppl lights out? November 20, 2022 02:18PM
I’ll take “Overly dramatic reactions” for a thousand,

Lucas extends for 3 yrs with NHRA, still doing Lucas Oil Dirt Late Models November 20, 2022 05:39AM
Lucas Oil just renewed for 3 more years to sponsor the NHRA Sportsmen series, plus sponsors a couple races, plus naming rights for the raceway at Indy.
LODRS announcement

Lucas Oil Late Models already have their 2023 schedule out.

In other words, Lucas sees value in motorsports, just not pulling.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/20/2022 05:39AM by The Original Michael.

Re: Lucas extends for 3 yrs with NHRA, still doing Lucas Oil Dirt Late Models November 20, 2022 05:43AM
Lucas isn’t calling shots anymore it’s Morgan and been Morgan for the last 5 years

Re: Lucas extends for 3 yrs with NHRA, still doing Lucas Oil Dirt Late Models November 20, 2022 05:48AM
Wait so PPL sold AND Lucas Oil has dropped sponsorship?

Morgan should of rode a Mod/Pro Stock/Light Super November 25, 2022 01:58AM
Someone should have put Morgan on a Modified or Pro Stock or Light Super Stock ans let him get the Rush that any one of these would give and maybe he could of understood the need for such an organization to continue "but" what it all boils down to is the bottom line on the financial/ investment side. They are still gonna help racers with sponsorship and Morgan ran a Top Fuel Racing team so he understands what that feels like --- but he was a privileged kid and didn't come up the way most tractor pullers did !!!

Re: Lucas extends for 3 yrs with NHRA, still doing Lucas Oil Dirt Late Models November 20, 2022 05:59AM
The other motorsports have national organization and rules and schedules. Until we as tractor pullers figure out how to work together to build something that benefits all nobody will find value in pulling. At least not at the same levels as all other motorsports. Someday some how the pulling world needs to come together and but an end to this childish (my association is better then your association).

Re: Lucas extends for 3 yrs with NHRA, still doing Lucas Oil Dirt Late Models November 20, 2022 12:50PM
Will Lucas be any part of the new ownership. Seems like it's still a great way to sell there oil.

Re: Lucas extends for 3 yrs with NHRA, still doing Lucas Oil Dirt Late Models November 21, 2022 09:05AM

Instead of making this a one side or other bashing thread, how bout we reflect on whats brought us here... The Biden administration and their absolutely maniacal policies and regulations have just about Bankrupted this Country. Some say oh they are dumb, stupid blah blah! No its on PURPOSE, they know exactly what they are aiming to do and its working. I'd dare say the NTPA, and Outlaws have seen the same issues, just Lucas is a for profit Business and they are quicker to make changes. If we want to protect our way of life and on a lesser important, but important to this board our favorite past time, we better think very quickly about the Party we are supporting. Who really caters to the Elites and Mega Wealthy...I know who likes to use it as talking points about the GOP, but in fact, who are these policies serving the most. Not the Middle Class or small businesses, not the lower level or mid size businesses, the mega Corps and the Mega Wealthy is who! Everything is basically costing 2-3x's more now than 1-2 years ago, fuel, food, wages, tires, vehicles, everything it takes to run a Pulling League. Well they didn't change prices hardly any in last two years to promoters, I know, I am one. So Profitability is down. Make no mistake Guys, this is why you are seeing what you are seeing, and who knows whats to come, I agree with Trump, we really haven't felt the bad yet, whats around the corner? Just remember, none of this had to be. We came out of 4 years under a Business Man who knew how to run things, and the Economy was thriving, businesses were flourishing record growth, Stock market through the roof....Policy Changes and Regulations have brought this Country to its knees! All because Mean tweets hurt some's feelings, and some voted with Emotion and not their Brain, some of it was stolen too! We must take our Country back before its sold to the Highest Bidder right under our noses!


Re: Lucas extends for 3 yrs with NHRA, still doing Lucas Oil Dirt Late Models November 21, 2022 11:04AM
Could not agree more you are dead on. My small business is getting screwed by the policy sleepy and woe! I am guessing the numbers don't work. We supported some local pulls with money and got zero return. So that being said we decide to find another place to advertise the business. I really enjoy pulling but if the numbers don't work you find something else.

Re: Lucas extends for 3 yrs with NHRA, still doing Lucas Oil Dirt Late Models November 22, 2022 12:32AM

Instead of making this a one side or other bashing thread, how bout we reflect on whats brought us here... The Biden administration and their absolutely maniacal policies and regulations have just about Bankrupted this Country. Some say oh they are dumb, stupid blah blah! No its on PURPOSE, they know exactly what they are aiming to do and its working. I'd dare say the NTPA, and Outlaws have seen the same issues, just Lucas is a for profit Business and they are quicker to make changes. If we want to protect our way of life and on a lesser important, but important to this board our favorite past time, we better think very quickly about the Party we are supporting. Who really caters to the Elites and Mega Wealthy...I know who likes to use it as talking points about the GOP, but in fact, who are these policies serving the most. Not the Middle Class or small businesses, not the lower level or mid size businesses, the mega Corps and the Mega Wealthy is who! Everything is basically costing 2-3x's more now than 1-2 years ago, fuel, food, wages, tires, vehicles, everything it takes to run a Pulling League. Well they didn't change prices hardly any in last two years to promoters, I know, I am one. So Profitability is down. Make no mistake Guys, this is why you are seeing what you are seeing, and who knows whats to come, I agree with Trump, we really haven't felt the bad yet, whats around the corner? Just remember, none of this had to be. We came out of 4 years under a Business Man who knew how to run things, and the Economy was thriving, businesses were flourishing record growth, Stock market through the roof....Policy Changes and Regulations have brought this Country to its knees! All because Mean tweets hurt some's feelings, and some voted with Emotion and not their Brain, some of it was stolen too! We must take our Country back before its sold to the Highest Bidder right under our noses!



Re: Lucas extends for 3 yrs with NHRA, still doing Lucas Oil Dirt Late Models November 29, 2022 10:51AM
Growing sick of people whining and crying about Trump this and Biden that. Get a clue and stop being manipulated by the media. The President has nothing to do with Lucas Oil pulling out of PPL.

Re: Lucas extends for 3 yrs with NHRA, still doing Lucas Oil Dirt Late Models November 29, 2022 11:29AM
Face in Crowd
Growing sick of people whining and crying about Trump this and Biden that. Get a clue and stop being manipulated by the media. The President has nothing to do with Lucas Oil pulling out of PPL.

One could say that YOU are the one being manipulated,..by believing that there is an actual media......

Re: Lucas extends for 3 yrs with NHRA, still doing Lucas Oil Dirt Late Models November 30, 2022 09:20AM
Maybe so! I think the surest sign to realizing that you are being manipulated is if you think you aren’t being manipulated.

Re: Lucas extends for 3 yrs with NHRA, still doing Lucas Oil Dirt Late Models November 30, 2022 12:30PM
Let’s try to stay somewhat on topic…

John Murray
Two-time Pedal Pull World Champion

Let's Go Pulling, covering the sport of pulling in Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama.
Watch LGP on YouTube
Like LGP on Facebook

Re: Ppl lights out? November 21, 2022 06:52AM
More BS posting before you know the facts folks. Typical Pulloff gossip. Pro Pulling League restructuring and still has major sponsorship from Lucas Oil. Same folks in charge, no buyouts, no member state clubs are in danger of losing anything! Please don't listen to haters BS. 2023 is just as bright as ever. Anything else is pure rumor at this point. Now, bash away. Its sad that folks trash the sport we all love with BS.

Re: Ppl lights out? November 21, 2022 08:20AM
Luke you might want to read the Lucas Oil press release.

Re: Ppl lights out? November 21, 2022 10:52AM
Worded very differently than the facts. You will see

Re: Ppl lights out? November 21, 2022 11:18AM
Thanks for the facts anonymous LUKE, I guess we are all set and everything is sorted out until you give us more credible facts Winking.

You may be 100% right. You may be in-the-know. Oddly though, you're posting anonymously with no credibility. Ironically you're no different than everyone else on here whom you're bashing (as well as bashing the website in general with your "Typical Pulloff gossip"). Without any legitimate credentials you're just posting rumors on here just like everyone else, but with your version of gossip. Ironic.

As I stated here: pulloff.com/phorum/read.php?2,323276,323301#msg-323301
There are a lot of unknowns right now. Before everyone either starts dancing on the grave of PPL or starts slitting their wrists we need to be patient and wait to see where this goes. I honestly don't think ANYONE knows exactly where this is headed yet. I don't think anything is set in stone yet. It will get sorted out in due time. We need to stay calm and just see how this plays out and see what piece of the puzzle come together.

Let's also not forget this is not just a hobby for some... this also impacts peoples livelihoods. Some really good people are trying to sort this out while their jobs are on the line. Let's remember there's a human element to this as well.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

**** PPL official announcement **** November 21, 2022 09:11AM
PPL announcement

INDIANAPOLIS (Nov. 21, 2022) – Lucas Oil Products has decided to discontinue its ownership and operation of the Lucas Oil Pro Pulling League following the conclusion of the 2022 season.

Established in 2006, the Lucas Oil Pro Pulling League has operated as one of the premier tractor pulling organizations in the country with 14 member state groups and 1400 competitors across several different divisions. The Champions Tour and Silver Series comprised 13 different classes of elite pulling action. The series officially wrapped up at the 2022 Champions Tour Banquet held at the Hyatt Regency in Louisville, Kentucky on November 19.

“For the last 17 years, Lucas has been the primary owner, operator and promoter of the Pro Pulling League which has featured some of the most amazing tractor pulling competitions in the world. The decision to discontinue the series was difficult, and not taken lightly, but was necessary to allow for the company to grow and develop in new areas,” said Morgan Lucas, President of Lucas Oil. “While we are moving away as owners, we are proud to continue to support racers in different ways, reinvesting in future opportunities. I would like to personally thank everyone involved with the Pro Pulling League for nearly two decades of exciting competition.”

For more information, please contact lucasoil@godriven360.com.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/21/2022 09:11AM by The Original Michael.

Re: **** PPL official announcement **** November 21, 2022 02:38PM
I would not be surprised if the OUTLAW GROUP might have a say in the PPL before its all said and done

Re: **** PPL official announcement **** November 21, 2022 04:09PM
Looking at the crowds at many PPL events, the only reason they made it this long was because of the Lucas money.

Sanctioning memorial garden getting larger? TNT-USHRA-ATPA-PPL

I still enjoy the "old school" NTPA pulls. Now, just bring back pulloffs! Bouncing

Re: **** PPL official announcement **** November 29, 2022 12:05AM
its gonna end up being the mac trailer pro pulling league

NTPA response to PPL pulling December 06, 2022 03:14AM
Columbus, Ohio---World Pulling International, the parent company of the National Tractor Pullers Association, has issued the following statement in light of the announcement of the discontinuation of the Lucas Oil Pro Pulling League.

The National Tractor Pullers Association was founded for the betterment of our great motorsport. Whether by the standardization of competition rules, the consistent enforcement of safety measures, or the conduct of world-class events, WPI/NTPA adheres to a philosophy of strategic growth and a standard of contest quality.

Recent developments in the industry have resulted in major changes to the pulling landscape. Specifically, in a press release dated November 21, Lucas Oil Products announced that it is discontinuing its ownership and operation of the Lucas Oil Pro Pulling League following the conclusion of the 2022 season. This divestiture has left many fine events, tough competitors, and loyal spectators without the organization with whom they have traditionally been aligned.

It is the position of WPI/NTPA, expressed by its management and implemented by its executive and remote staff, that WPI/NTPA will make every effort to accommodate any formerly PPL events, to welcome all PPL competition members, and to satisfy the demand of pulling fans across the United States. We consider it a matter of high priority to keep truck and tractor pulling an active and integral part of as many communities as possible.


Re: NTPA response to PPL pulling December 06, 2022 03:52AM
Given the content of this statement and that the NTPA waited a couple weeks to make it, it kind of feels like they initially thought there might be something in the pipeline to take over PPL and keep things close to status quo, but that might not be the case anymore and NTPA thinks it's over for the foreseeable future.

Re: NTPA response to PPL pulling December 06, 2022 05:04AM
In 2 weeks,.........................Smoking

Re: NTPA response to PPL pulling December 06, 2022 05:30AM
PPL press release coming soon. thats all I can offer at this point.

Re: NTPA response to PPL pulling December 06, 2022 05:44AM
Fingers crossed for good news.

Gordon Cox

For The Love Of Pulling



Re: NTPA response to PPL pulling December 06, 2022 05:44AM
Fair enough, but it begs the question why Benson and Farley have already jumped ship? (Supposedly) with Simon’s and Wells being some big time players in the league and also folks who could certainly consider purchasing PPL would they have a little insight to the future or the PPL?

Re: NTPA response to PPL pulling December 06, 2022 06:28AM
If you or Jon or Kristi have something to say as far as some type of new info or news , you better do it soon before all the state organizations look for another avenue

Re: NTPA response to PPL pulling December 06, 2022 09:42AM
Pretty sure they would let the state associations know that something is being done. As far as the general public, they don't need to know until something is finalized.

Brent Yaron
Hooked Up Pulling Productions

Re: NTPA response to PPL pulling December 06, 2022 10:30AM
Brent Yaron
Pretty sure they would let the state associations know that something is being done. As far as the general public, they don't need to know until something is finalized.
Wrong!! The general public does need to know. Someone needs to make a statement and soon! You do realize that this is Dec 6th? The vast majority of folks needs to put in for the upcoming years (2023) vacation time this month!!!! I'm fortunate that I don't but many many folks do!! The general public will start planning and booking vacation/ time off from employment and pulling won't be a option if the general public is left in the dark!!!

Re: NTPA response to PPL pulling December 06, 2022 10:41AM

Pretty sure they would let the state associations know that something is being done. As far as the general public, they don't need to know until something is finalized.
Wrong!! The general public does need to know. Someone needs to make a statement and soon! You do realize that this is Dec 6th? The vast majority of folks needs to put in for the upcoming years (2023) vacation time this month!!!! I'm fortunate that I don't but many many folks do!! The general public will start planning and booking vacation/ time off from employment and pulling won't be a option if the general public is left in the dark!!!

And that goes for pullers, promoters, food vendors, volunteer staff and all others involved in putting on a event! Folks deserve to know so they can make plans or those folks will find other entertainment to satisfy their hunger for motorsports!

Re: NTPA response to PPL pulling December 07, 2022 12:43AM
Yes,if PPL is planning on staying in business it needs to be announced by Christmas..If not,they are going to lose lots of pulls and fans..

With that being said my state association doesn't usually announce a schedule until mid-late January..They wait for the fair meetings-etc...I'm retired but I once worked a full time job and had tons of seniority...I had until April 1st each year to book any vacation day that I wanted for the rest of the year..I could bump anyone that I wanted but not everyone is that lucky..

Re: NTPA response to PPL pulling December 06, 2022 10:47AM
General public includes local sponsors.

Advertising is a budgeted line item.

By all means take your time.

Re: NTPA response to PPL pulling December 06, 2022 12:11PM
I was just posting what ntpa put out as a response, it would have found its way to this thread eventually. Ntpa just posted tentative national schedule on FB the other day. That means it’s time to get plans going,

How long should a potential promoter, or previous promoter wait till they contact the other sanctioning body to try to make (the,a) schedule? That a serious question no sarcasm.

Re: NTPA response to PPL pulling December 06, 2022 01:00PM
Wait for What? Its over. They told you it was. Time to move on.

Re: NTPA response to PPL pulling December 07, 2022 12:56AM
Your post and mine will probably get deleted because the mods don't like it but, why would anyone "buy" the PPL. What value does it have? It has operated for almost 2 decades and has made a negative return. The guy that shut it down owned a broadcast operation, sponsored/subsidized it to the hilt and couldn't make it work. Why would anyone pay $1 for it when you are certain to lose money? You could start the World Pulling League tomorrow, go hire Mears, and try to bring back the events if you wanted and not pay Lucas a penny.

Re: NTPA response to PPL pulling December 07, 2022 01:15AM
Why would we delete that? You make a fair point.


Re: NTPA response to PPL pulling December 07, 2022 02:37AM
That is actually how PPL started, after ATPA crashed and burned.
But I would like to point out some genius in Colorado actually DID buy the ATPA name and brand. And that feller still owes pullers money from not paying them. besides the dude he bought ATPA from, ALSO still owes pullers money.
And now the previous owner is using the ATPA name again.

Re: NTPA response to PPL pulling December 07, 2022 02:56AM
Your post and mine will probably get deleted because the mods don't like it but, why would anyone "buy" the PPL. What value does it have? It has operated for almost 2 decades and has made a negative return. The guy that shut it down owned a broadcast operation, sponsored/subsidized it to the hilt and couldn't make it work. Why would anyone pay $1 for it when you are certain to lose money? You could start the World Pulling League tomorrow, go hire Mears, and try to bring back the events if you wanted and not pay Lucas a penny.

Didn't someone buy Outlaws a few years ago? It was struggling financially I believe. What basis do you make your statement from,... that Lucas was losing money? Did they show you their P&L ?

Re: NTPA response to PPL pulling December 07, 2022 02:13PM
THERE IS NO FEASABLE WAY TO KNOW ACCURATELY HOW much capital a sponsorship brings in. None, - period......

Re: NTPA response to PPL pulling January 08, 2023 01:47AM
I'm sure NTPA and the PPL will continue to provide quality shows in their respective areas.


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