How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 11, 2023 04:57AM
Out of curiosity, if you've ever had to explain the difference between some combination of pro stock, limited pro, light pro, light limited pro, 8500 limited pro (for Illinois and states west), hot farm, pro farm, classic ss, now 5.0 pro, etc, to a new fan, what did you tell them?

Obviously, not every class runs everywhere as we don't see classic ss in Iowa or the ITPA 8500 limited pro in Michigan, but most orgs run multiple single charger classes.

I see this trend getting worse, not better. I hope we never have 3 inch, 3.2, 3.4 on up to 5.0 or larger turbo classes in 0.2 increments, but every couple years someone wants to open the rules in one class or drop down when a class exceeds their budget.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/11/2023 04:58AM by The Original Michael.

Re: How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 11, 2023 06:19AM
I totally agree with the sediment that this will get worse. Money can't be used as the reason to separate into a million classes anymore as people have driven the price of all the aforementioned classes up to the point of craziness. The final answer to this debate should be at the GN level run SF, and pro stock. At the RN level combine light and limited pro and eliminate the 5.0 PS class (its already a failure and there isn't much of an argument).

Hot farm, pro farm, and classic SS I'll let others fight about as I simply wouldn't pay to go watch any of them.

It's not just the tractor classes either. Look at the mod classes and there's just about no way to explain the difference to someone who doesn't understand the sport either.

Re: How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 11, 2023 07:42AM
Should only be smooth bore 3", 4", 5" classes all at 540ci at 8500lbs then light and heavy supers that's it point blank.

Re: How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 11, 2023 10:43AM
One way to fix the distance and speed pulled issues, is to have heavier sled settings. Say for example, if you are running hot farm, limited pros, and pro stocks all in one night. Then set the sled for the pro stocks and leave it alone and pull the hot farms first, then the limited then the pros. Then the crowd will see first hand what the difference is between the 3 classes from a horsepower perspective. I would be fine with this, however pullers in the lesser classes would cry like babies because they couldn't go 30 plus miles per hour and 360 plus feet. But this would certainly allow the spectators to see a real world comparison between the classes. Just sayin. Let.the daggers fly!! Lol

Re: How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 11, 2023 10:47AM
"One way to fix the distance and speed pulled issues, is to have heavier sled settings. Say for example, if you are running hot farm, limited pros, and pro stocks all in one night. Then set the sled for the pro stocks and leave it alone and pull the hot farms first, then the limited then the pros. Then the crowd will see first hand what the difference is between the 3 classes from a horsepower perspective. I would be fine with this, however pullers in the lesser classes would cry like babies because they couldn't go 30 plus miles per hour and 360 plus feet. But this would certainly allow the spectators to see a real world comparison between the classes. Just sayin. Let.the daggers fly!! Lol"
One other thing. I would like to see this but maybe the fans wouldn't just like the class participants would not like it? Who knows?

Re: How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 12, 2023 01:29PM
To "Old Time Puller": Love your idea, would only add, make them all the same weight also. Then you would really see the difference!

I tell a new attendee, "One more class of this stuff and then the Unlimiteds run, that's why I brought you!"

Re: How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 12, 2023 02:47PM
Did you take that new fan to the pits? Did you skip the pit of the guys
who spent everything he had to be in the class he could afford, but didn't meet your expectations? Astonishing the command of hundreds of thousands of dollars of investment just for you who paid how much to attend?


Re: How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 13, 2023 02:08AM
Who "commands" them to do anything?

Re: How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 14, 2023 04:30AM
This is why the sleds a need load sensor on the hitch/chain and a giant display, so that they can show everyone the pound force load for each tractor in each class. This way fans can get a comparison of the different classes.

Re: How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 12, 2023 05:20AM
I couldn't agree more. Box chargers at that.

Re: How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 11, 2023 08:07AM
Every so often someone with to much money that cant win all the time gets upset and decides he needs a new class to pull in. With no national organization setting rules for everyone to follow this is allowed to happen. After 20 years of this we now have so many classes even the diehard fans dont even know whats what or care. People loose interest sponsors have no desire to throw money at a giant cluster **** and everyone complains the numbers are to low and the payouts are to low.

Thats how I explain it.

Re: How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 11, 2023 08:41AM
I give up trying to tell people what is pulling. Hot Farm is nuts too with 466 w/ 2.6 turbo,2.8 and 3x3 turbo. Some with coolers some without. Some can run p-pumps and some can't. Then the 619 cube Hot farm and the same pump issues. It's nuts just in that class!! I used to be good at knowing East Coast and Interstate classes but not anymore. Novice fans could care less what it is as long as it's blowing smoke and or running like a raped ape. They like the blow ups and crashes even better.

Re: How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 11, 2023 09:28AM
That is one of the biggest problems with most hooded diesel tractors they basically all look the same
Granted there are a couple classes that run a different size tire. But overall it's mostly all the same. Same distance down the track, almost the same speed going down the track. I know there will be a group that will come on here and say if you can't tell a PS from a SF then your no fan. And on a side note how many turbo sizes does diesel pulling have?

Dick Morgan
Independent Pulling News

Re: How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 11, 2023 09:41AM
I was at an Outlaw pull in David City, NE a few years back. They had a different announcer there, apparently the sport of tractor pulling was new to him. Anyway, he couldn't get over an early hook made by a 466' tractor that went 340' and kept comparing later classes- Superfarm, 4.1, light super stock, diesel super stock, to that earlier hook.

"Nobody has touched that distance that so and so made at the start of the pull tonight!", he would say with enthusiasm. "I wonder if it will hold up?"

And this was the announcer, mind you. Rest assured there wasn't any explaining being done at the pull that night as the announcer was more in the dark than 1/2 the fans that were there!

Re: How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 11, 2023 10:08AM
A good announcer is the best way. A good announcer can explaine to the crowd the key differences. They seam to do it in a way that the crowd understands. For me the bigger problem is the sled settings and what pullers want with them. A class like Hot Farm should never out mph a Prostock. And I don't blame the sled drivers. They are doing what everyone is asking them to do. But trying to explain to the crowd why the tractors with 1/2 the horsepwer and smaller tires is going faster and further than the say a pro stock, that's tough. It is 1 thing to have multiple single charger diesel classes at and event, but when they all end up running close to the same mph and distance, that's hard for the casual fan to understand. Just my 2 cents

Re: How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 11, 2023 10:46AM
On the national circuit for diesel, there should be PS, Lt Pro and DSS.

Re: How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 13, 2023 05:58PM
GN only needs PS and DSS for smoke classes. Keep the "limited" classes at regional or state level. No one sets their schedule to go see a GN show to see lim lt pro or any other variation of those classes. Most endure them to see something else run, PS, DSS, Unlimited etc.

Re: How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 14, 2023 03:01AM
Fan 2 you are living in 1980 there are not enough diesel supers running to go to every gn event
They are lucky to get 6. And if you look at a 2 day event the first day has 6 and the second day has 4
Sorry that's just the way it is. And the pro stock has 2 organizations that they can hook at so you are not getting all the pro stocks to show up at every gn show.

Re: How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 14, 2023 10:10AM
So lt pro is the answer? Same thing we heard about sf, now you're lucky if 10 of them to show up. You can see them (lt pro and/or sf) every night of the week in Ohio! All these classes want to be gn until they are, then they don't want all the travel and commitment. How about multiple mod classes instead of all these lesser smoke classes? PS, DSS, Lt. mod, Mods, Unlimited's, sounds like a good show to me. Throw in some mini's. PS has plenty of good tractors, DSS has Ross so that is better than 10 or 15 of some lesser class, not to mention all the other good DSS.

Re: How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 14, 2023 10:29AM
Dss has Ross for one pass, maybe two before it melts down so maybe not the best option either

Re: How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 14, 2023 10:37AM
He's worth the price to get in by himself! Better than a whole class if lesser stuff!

Re: How do you explain difference in single charger classes to a newbie? July 17, 2023 02:04AM
There needs to be a difference between Grand National and Regional or State level again like in the past. Unfortunately the numbers aren't there anymore for this. Matching rules because someone wanted to be competitive when they went to a GN event or because the GN guys wanted more options to pull drove out the local budget teams. Look at the WTPA mini rod class for example. It is also up to the promoter, booking super farm, hot farm, Light pro or limited pro all in the same night the fans can not tell the difference when one starts and the other finishes. They need to schedule classes that show some sort of difference. Seen it in the diesel truck classes to. 3 classes of trucks one night and no one could tell the difference except when the bar tires came out on the big trucks and there were 75 plus hooks between the 3 classes. Then you have to explain why the pro stock diesel truck that jumped up a class beat all the super stock diesel trucks. We started killing the sport when we combined the rules and classes for GN and RN level. Now we are compensating by making more classes and then arguing on here that every class should be GN because they deserve it.

Don't get me started on each club having different rules between them for the same class to keep one guy out, another club out, or they want more horse power. Now you limit the class cross over and lower your numbers.

Slowing down the sled or shortening the smaller classes distance and speed will kill the sport. Look at all the other threads complaining about how the sled setting sucked they never got anywhere near the full pull mark. The general fan in the stands is there to see a 330 plus foot pass and it doesn't matter what class it is. Fans don't get excited anymore when they only go 280 to 300 feet. I'd be willing to bet 90 percent of the fans are there to see a show and don't care that the 3" charger class went the same distance as the 4" or 5" charger class.


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