How many 5.0 Pros in the U.S.? January 15, 2024 11:37AM
How many 5.0 pros do you think there are in the U.S.?

Re: How many 5.0 Pros in the U.S.? January 15, 2024 12:53PM
From my count we are around 40.

Brent Yaron
Hooked Up Pulling Productions

Re: How many 5.0 Pros in the U.S.? January 16, 2024 05:35AM
I'd expect that number to grow by at least 50% in the next few years. Honestly I'm not sure what role the 4.1's play now that we have 5.0 Pros. Some of the 4.1 guys keep clamoring for a component chassis, so my question is why have a 4.1 class? I guess I'm just confused at what niche the 4.1 has now.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

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Re: How many 5.0 Pros in the U.S.? January 16, 2024 06:07AM
Dean Holicky proved you can put a bigger charger on and run with them too!

Brent Yaron
Hooked Up Pulling Productions

Re: How many 5.0 Pros in the U.S.? January 17, 2024 01:45AM
Here are my 2 cents worth. I think both classes will be fine. For those who come up through the ranks with an ag chassis and do not want to go component, the 4.1 class will be the end class. Sure they could jump up to a class that allows components. but not many will. Plus its another class that is a selling ground for pullers that want to build a component. The 5.0 class, in my opinion is going to be a great class. The general audiance will not now the difference between a full prostock and a 5.0. Its a class that pullers can build to as a stepping stone to a full pro, or stay at 5.0 if they are happy there. I feel there is room for all because t0 pull a big pro 20+ times a summers is tiring, mainaince is neverending and if we can ease some of that with a couple higher power classes. I know in Badgerstate, Greg turns down events because we are full already, and maybe these classes together would allow some new events because we have more classes. The real issue would be if we dont have any new blood in the classes, then we are just splitting existing classes into lower class numbers. Again, just my 2 cents worth.

Re: How many 5.0 Pros in the U.S.? January 17, 2024 03:51AM

I totally agree with your premise IF the 4.1 class stays Ag chassis. My question is more if the guys clamoring for components get their way... then what niche does the class fill?

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

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Re: How many 5.0 Pros in the U.S.? January 16, 2024 11:51AM
I think that with 80 or so 4.1's in the country that tells you what role they have. It is another class to fit the ones that want a 5.0.

Re: How many 5.0 Pros in the U.S.? January 16, 2024 12:17PM
You need to double that number.

Brent Yaron
Hooked Up Pulling Productions

Re: How many 5.0 Pros in the U.S.? January 17, 2024 12:21AM
No, that doesn't tell me what roll they have moving forward... that's just a number. It's great that they have good numbers, but that doesn't tell everything about their future. I remember when Super farm was by far the biggest class... 4.1 took away part of that Super farm niche. I think 5.0 will do the same to the 4.1 class.

Are 4.1s filling a horsepower gap? For example we have tractors making 4000hp and tractors making 1500hp but nothing in-between? Well, no we have plenty of classes in-between. Are they unique because they are smaller cubic inches? Well no, that's what makes the Light Pro unique. Are they unique because they are limited charger? Clearly no. As I said in my other post... If they go component chassis they will be so close to the 5.0 class that they won't really fill any niche.

I don't know why we need so many single turbo classes... Something has to give eventually or else the product will be so watered down and so confusing to the average fan (kinda already is) that nobody can keep up with what they are watching go down the track.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: How many 5.0 Pros in the U.S.? January 17, 2024 12:28AM
What about a 4.5 or 4.6 class? Between 4.1 and 5.0, there are 9 more one tenth of an inch niches we could fill. (being sarcastic).

Don't the diesel trucks have both a 2.5 and 2.6 class?

Re: How many 5.0 Pros in the U.S.? January 17, 2024 12:58AM
Not any longer. 2.5 may still exist in places, but the national rules have coalesced around 2.6 smooth-bore and I think it was a good move, too. The 2.5s were getting crazy and very difficult to tech consistently. 2.6 smooth bore is dead simple.


Re: How many 5.0 Pros in the U.S.? January 18, 2024 03:32PM
Jake, As a dedicated 4.1 puller I don't really care for the way you seem to be putting down the 4.1 class. In the midwest we are one of if not the largest tractor classes, and we put on a show we can all enjoy as drivers and and fans sure seem to enjoy. Component chassis would be very beneficial for those of us that push our stuff hard and the only advantage it would give us is the ease of working on. We are 640 Cubic inches, Not 680. We are a limited turbo class which is why we all push so hard to advance in horsepower. Could we all just bolt on a more expensive charger and push our stuff even harder and run in the 5.0 class? Sure, But why? What about the many times that the pro stock class is in one location and another pull wants a big time diesel class? The 4.1 class is a premiere class full of very skilled very dedicated pullers and we fill the "Niche" of OUR 4.1 class. With 30 some hooks per summer I would say they still want us around. Just let us 4.1 guys go out and put on our show and have our fun, which is exactly what our sport is all about, Having fun in the face of good people and great competition.

Re: How many 5.0 Pros in the U.S.? January 18, 2024 11:38PM
Jake, As a dedicated 4.1 puller I don't really care for the way you seem to be putting down the 4.1 class.

Where did I put down the class?

Where did I say anything negative about the class?

Where did I disparage the class?

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Re: How many 5.0 Pros in the U.S.? January 19, 2024 01:09AM
Jake Morgan

Where did I put down the class?

Where did I say anything negative about the class?

Where did I disparage the class?

If you imply that his class is not necessary and ultimately it should just go away, I'm not sure how that could not be taken in a negative way.

These topics that are made from a national perspective do not work on the regional level. And while it would be more neat and orderly to have fewer classes with obvious distinctions between the classes, it's not realistic. In Outlaw country where I reside (Nebraska), the fact of the matter is that the 4.1 class is probably has three times as many tractors as the 5.0 class. The 4.1 class is THE high horsepower diesel class at most pulls around here. And that's fine for most fans. Pulling is all relative anyway. Watch two hours of lower horsepower tractors and then follow that up with the 4.1 class-- the first 4.1 going down the track will look just as good as GN pro stock! We don't see a lot of guys jumping from 4.1 to 5.0 out here. I think that's due to travel. A lot of 4.1 pullers would be committing to a lot more travel if they jumped classes.

But I get it. It's annoying that we have all of these different single charger classes in the national organizations. I think the bottom line is that these organizations are just trying to keep their numbers up and continue being able to put on a show. If a smaller organization tractor class has numbers, it is going to get added to the national organization lineup.

Re: How many 5.0 Pros in the U.S.? January 21, 2024 10:43AM
First, I'm not saying or imply that the 4.1 class should go away. If you reread my response to Craig Ladwig I agreed with him about his comment regarding the 4.1 class being at the top of the food chain for non-component classes. I think that's a great spot to be in for the 4.1 class. That should be the goal of the class... top of the food chain for the fans that still want to watch tractors with tractor rearends. That's a very, very, very good niche for the class to fill.

If the class goes component... I'm not sure what niche they'll have. Maybe their niche is saying they are the lowest horsepower entry level component class... maybe that's their niche.

So for the record, I'm not saying the 4.1 needs to go away. I'm not implying the 4.1 needs to go away... however I am saying roughly 1/2-1/3 of single turbo diesel classes could/should go away because they are redundant. It would be better for the entire motorsport to have uniform rules from state to state and less redundancy for the single turbo diesel classes. At the very least lets make some of the single turbo diesel classes at least have a different appearance so fans can discern between them.

Jake Morgan
Independent Pulling News

This page is a free service. The cost is covered out of my pocket. It takes a great deal of time and a fair amount of money to keep this website going. Donations for: photos, classified ads, forum discussion, etc... are appreciated.

Side Note: We are no longer accepting PayPal donations. They have changed their terms of service and stated they would fine PayPal users for spreading "misinformation" and "hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance that is discriminatory". PayPal did not provide definitions for some of these vague terms. Woke corporate policies regarding "misinformation" could result in an automatic fine of $2,500 which would have been removed directly from the customer’s PayPal account. PayPal did backdown from some of their policies but quietly implemented portions of them in later terms of service. A financial institute has no right to monitor social media accounts or speech. This is unacceptable and I'll no longer do business with PayPal.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/21/2024 03:17PM by Jake Morgan.

Re: How many 5.0 Pros in the U.S.? January 19, 2024 02:44PM
Jake Morgan
I don't know why we need so many single turbo classes... Something has to give eventually or else the product will be so watered down and so confusing to the average fan (kinda already is) that nobody can keep up with what they are watching go down the track.

I couldn't agree more!!!!! Single turbo classes stink to high heaven. All single turbo classes are "designed" to save money and over the last 40 years those classes have done nothing but increased the amount of money being spent on a pulling vehicle.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/21/2024 10:53AM by Jake Morgan.

Re: How many 5.0 Pros in the U.S.? January 20, 2024 02:40AM
Maybe on a National level there is too many single turbo classes but at regional, state and local levels without them you won’t have any pulls. Just look at the numbers of participants in those compared to others. The 466 classes, 4.1, and light pros out east dwarf all other classes combined! I do agree on a National level there should only be 2, pros and Iight pro

Re: How many 5.0 Pros in the U.S.? January 20, 2024 02:51AM
Single turbo classes stink to high heaven.


Re: How many 5.0 Pros in the U.S.? January 17, 2024 05:21AM
probly that many 4.1s in Missouri alone


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