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Here's the video:
Jake Morgan
Again, what does that mean. Does that mean is was too dry? Too wet? Too soft? Too hard? Too rough? Too...
Instead of beating around the bush and speaking in some vague non-answer nonsense how about actually saying what was wrong with the track.
Jake Morgan
Please elaborate. What was bad about the track?
Jake Morgan
LLSSPULLER2.0 is having a meltdown so we have to stop talking about this. He's spoken so case closed. I sure wish we could discuss pulling and the LLSS class but that's not why I started this website. If I wanted open discussion about rules and ideas I would have made some sort of open forum for people, If you don't have a tractor in the class you can't talk
Jake Morgan
Since you don't put any money into this website you don't have any right to complain about what people want to talk about on this site! Doesn't that sound dumb? It sounds just as dumb as you whining about people having a discussion about your class. People can discuss anything they want. Whining and crying like a little snowflake is childish. MAYBE IF I PUT IT ALL CAPS YOU CAN
Jake Morgan
What OH1979er is generally true. However... it's not entirely accurate with the component discussion. There are some that really like to watch "tractors" in some classes. There are plenty of people who prefer classes that actually have some relationship with a tractor. There's a portion of fans who want to see a tractor rear-end in a tractor along with 9-bolt hubs, a tractor bellho
Jake Morgan
I actually think the heat is very relevant to the question. A flagman like Scott Doty is on his feet for hours at pulls like BG. He doesn't get to take a bathroom break and he's constantly moving. He drinks just enough to stay slightly dehydrated so he can make it through the show. If you added a fire suit to that he wouldn't be able to drink enough to make up for the sweat he&
Jake Morgan
To anyone who says the class is dying that is really funny. Pro Stock numbers are strong in most organizations and Farm show has no issues filling 4 sessions of pro stocks. .
Their numbers are still pretty good, but overall they have dropped dramatically in the last 20 years. So have DSS numbers overall. Those two classes are still awesome to watch but they have got a smaller p
Jake Morgan
There is a relationship between the promotor and the competitor. There's also a relationship between the competitor and the sanctioning body.
It's no different than the relationship of a consumer to a company selling a product. If you don't think there's a relationship then you're naive. Let's take Bud Light; the company selling the product didn't have the
Jake Morgan
None of them are loading for me either. It's probably just a software glitch, I'm sure it will be sorted out soon.
Jake Morgan
Personally I think your vehicle should have to be on the grounds and registered for both sessions to be eligible for the ring. You can't control the weather, but you can control your commitment to the event. The pullers who showed up for the whole event (for each class) made a sacrifice and commitment to the event that should be rewarded. The ring is a relationship between the puller and
Jake Morgan
So I can confirm that you are not allowed to adjust your drawbar after it's been measured. It's in my old rule book and it's also in the new rule book. Tire pressure can't be changed and you can only move 200# of weight. Those rules have been in-place FOREVER. I knew it was in my old rulebook but I wasn't 100% positive it was still in the new book until today.
Jake Morgan
QuoteDrawbar rule
Did the rule change for drawbar adjustments? The rule book says once it's measured at the scale no adjustments are to be made. No air in or out of tires. And only 200 lbs of weight can be adjusted.
This is a great question. If it's a rule then the NTPA needs to either enforce the rule or change it. If this rule is still in the rule book then it's 100% the faul
Jake Morgan
Quotecheck the day of instead
You may just say you're the messenger, but it seems you felt good and obligated to send a message with aggravating intent (inciting anger in others).
How about we just wait until the day of each session before we condemn the whole event......
Where did he feel good? He simply posted a forecast. He didn't incite anger. Stop being such a snowflake and
Jake Morgan
Sure they can call it whatever they want... and someone can say it's a stupid name if they want too. Why does their comment affect you so much. geez
I don't have a horse in this race, I'm just pointing out the ridiculousness of your comment.
Jake Morgan
Agreed. However I'm struggling to find a store that doesn't sell stuff from China. When you find one let me know.
Jake Morgan
Off-Topic Forum
Every major company buys into this garbage until we push back. We need to keep pushing back on these major corporations. We need to continue to expose them and pull our support for them when they do this nonsense. If they're smart enough to backtrack and apologize then we need to support them and show the other companies that we are willing to give a second chance. TSC was smart enough t
Jake Morgan
Off-Topic Forum
To Thinkin,
The LLSS is great and I love it, I've made no secret about that... but that's not what I'm talking about right now. No I don't want the LSS to be the LLSS. The LLSS is it's own awesome thing. I want to stay on topic and stick to the LSS. But yeah, the LLSS has got some awesome things going for it.
That said, I disagree with your first two sentences.
Jake Morgan
First, I've spent tens of thousands of dollars on this site over the past 27 years (that's not an exaggeration by the way, and that doesn't include the camera equipment that I purchased specifically for this site which is also tens of thousands of dollars... and yes one of those purchases was more than a stock hood and fenders and no, it doesn't include my time either which co
Jake Morgan
As I said, the distances for the rest of the class were all at 214' or less. I didn't talk to anyone who thought it was a good show for that class. At least 2 of those tractors should have been in the sand. Maybe you liked it... to each his own, but it was a bad show for the class overall. It's not just about order of finish (I'm fine with the order) it's about the ov
Jake Morgan
Perfect response. Thanks for being the first to be 100% predictable.
Thanks for the perfect segway into Part 2 of this series... Agruing from Authority...
May I ask... What does your website look like? Yeah, I didn't think you had one. Does that mean you shouldn't have an opinion about how I run my website and what I should or shouldn't write about? That seems quite hypoc
Jake Morgan
Are you sometimes getting a “Not Found” or a 404 error when trying to access the website? No? WELL READ THIS ANYWAYS BECAUSE YOU WILL. Bookmark this post. Print it. Take a screenshot. Get it tattooed on your left butt cheek. I don't care how you save it, just save it somewhere so you know what to do when it happens to you. This includes anyone named Dick Morgan.
Your web browser
Jake Morgan
Did you actually read it? Becasue that was my point. If you're going to have the same engine and same chassis at least try to fake some variety with a different hood. (Isn't that most of motorsports now day... faking variety? Isn't almost every CaseIH is just a DT466 under the hood even though that's and IH and not a CaseIH?)
I'll also say there are plenty of non-Bl
Jake Morgan
I’m going to pick on a few classes here over the next few week and maybe the motorsport in general so stay tuned...
I'll start with a class that’s near and dear to my heart… LSS. I've loved this class since I was a wee little lad and I'm an old guy now and I'm knocking at the door of being a half century old and I still love this class. So let's get this underway.
Jake Morgan
Patches I wasn't calling out your comments. I completely agree about Shramek and his proposal. I know restrictor plates were proposed in more than one organization in the past and (honestly) I didn't think it made any sense back then either. I understand the idea/hope of not needing aftermarket blocks but restrictor plates were proposed well after pandoras box was already opened on a
Jake Morgan
So far in this entire thread the best reason given was by patches... the diesel guys don't want to hook with the alky guys. That's the best reason given so far. One other reason is the NTPA likes having the option to book both classes. They don't really care how many tractors are in the class, they just want something to sell to promotors.
It's been proven over and over
Jake Morgan
Trump was not fiscally conservative by any standards during his first three years. He's never been fiscally conservative in either his presidency or his personal life. A HUGE portion of our inflation is directly because of his excessive spending. Yes, COVID didn't help, but he still made those terrible decisions during COVID and he outsourced the last year of his Presidency to Faucci
Jake Morgan
Off-Topic Forum
Advertising doesn't cost money. Advertising makes money. For every dollar spent advertising they better bring in more than a dollar or there's no ROI and there's no reason to advertise. Advertising and paying athletes for endorsements makes money for products.
Our inflation is directly tied to our money printing. We have a spending problem and we are trying to print our way o
Jake Morgan
Off-Topic Forum
Just a hmm thought…
First off, I’m not a fan of most elected people in our government. It seems like the middle of the road politicians that we want and need get drowned out by the far left AND right. Secondly, I’m sure there will be people that will call me names and such on my thoughts…
You say “Socialism is coming to the farming industry…..” . If you really stop and think about i
Jake Morgan
Off-Topic Forum
A smart lawyer would go after the lack of wheel tethers well before he'd argue about the chassis. Since there's no spec on a component chassis there's no evidence they are safer. Since wheels have come off of mods and component tractors it shows there's still an issue with loose wheels and nothing has been done to address that issue.
The fact that tethers are already in u
Jake Morgan
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