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Speaking as someone that has built many rear ends for the class, it sounds like a great idea. Dealing with all the crap to make a reliable, light ag rear end is a pain in the butt and takes more time than it's worth.
I'm not the only one that has that opinion.
I also have no desire to be a component chassis builder, so selling those isn't a factor in my opinion.
Pulling Forum
I've wondered about using a 2 stroke Detroit with spark plugs in those classes. I figured the blower would be highly frowned upon even though it's considered N/A.
Pulling Forum
A big chain attached to a well reinforced hitch about 8 feet off the ground would keep them from taking off I'd suppose. Lol.
Pulling Forum
310 crossfire diesel pistons are flat top, stock 3.875 bore, and will drop right in a 310 gas engine.
Pulling Forum
Out of the mold as a slick passes as uncut as far as I'm concerned, but if that circumference is larger than permitted, I don't see a problem with the ruling. NTPA is just calling out known illegal tires.
Pulling Forum
In 1990 when tracks sucked, tires sucked, the added weight of safety equipment wasn't there, front axles and frames were made out of popsicle sticks, and people thought it was great if you went for a wild ride, 5500 was great.
Current safety equipment and modern tires puts that number at 6000 today.
We don't like wrenching on rear ends every weekend, the new tires hook bette
Pulling Forum
I've handled a 8000 ss on the push bar up front while towing another 8000 ss with a Kubota rtv 1100. Also had 3 LLSS's on it at the same time. They're definitely workhorses.
Pulling Forum
*starts working on injection pump design with same bore spacing as the engine.*
Pulling Forum
Nothing wrong with it, it's been done many times. If burning a piston is a potential repeat problem you may have, you could have all 6 holes done with snug fit flanged sleeves to make future repairs quick and easy.
Pulling Forum
Is the next new rule going to limit the amount of time you can spend on the dyno? Amount of seconds you can datalog?
Pulling Forum
Sounds like they are sticking their noses in places they need to stay out of.
Pulling Forum
What's the verdict on performance between Cast/OEM housing Sigma's VS top shelf P7100's currently?
It seems that there's plenty of cast Sigma's available nowadays since rules seem to limit you to P7100's in some classes, and in other classes if you're allowed to run a sigma, you generally need to have a billet version to be on top.
Pulling Forum
I'm struggling with the idea that you're permitted to mine your own iron ore, process it, and machine your complete engine from raw materials if you're capable of doing so, but if you wanted to run a ECM it should have to be OEM.
Pulling Forum
You're talking in circles about the Oliver rear ends to try and look right.
Pulling Forum
The whole hitch height/airbag thing has been beat to death and is a piss poor argument at best. There’s multiple ways to make sure that it doesn’t change hitch height.
Pulling Forum
I was planning on going leaf spring. I realize it’s kind of crude almost, but it’s stupidly simple and effective.
Pulling Forum
Because Kentucky wanted welded solid axles. Ohio and Wny wanted suspension. The compromise was pivot axles.
Same idea with weight.
The rules meeting was far from top secret, I guess more of you guys should have got in on it. From what it sounds like, you have yourselves to blame for no front suspension.
Pulling Forum
You take like the 460 rearends. Those tractors were made from 1958-63 and rate at 61 hp. So throwing 25x the horsepower to 60 year old cast makes sense in what world? The Oliver 1850 1960-62, again 60 year old cast and 25x the horsepower again. This is a motorsport, dependability and ease of parts is the name of the game. If you want “pure” tractor classes go watch antiques.
Pulling Forum
Have you lost your mind, Ky has NEVER had the weight at 6250lbs, so how is it a carbon copy? You need to keep up !!!
Weird. I'm pretty sure I said "rules that Ohio, Wny, and KY worked on together". Not 100% Kentucky rules. Everyone compromised some.
Pulling Forum
Since when has Kentucky had any influence on ANY NATIONAL ORGANIZATION , -- " NEVER " , if Kentucky had that kind of influence it would have been 6000lbs !!!!! So don't blame Kentucky for the no air ride suspension !!!! Some would like to have it in Kentucky !!!!
When the rules that the national org. uses are a direct copy of the rules that Ohio, Ky, and Wny got together and worked
Pulling Forum
QuoteNew puller
No front suspension takes some Wisconsin tractors out.
You can thank Kentucky for that. They didn't even want front axles to have a pivot pin.
Pulling Forum
I’m only curious because last year I saw a 6500lb open class in which several LLSS guys were competing in get spanked by a guy with 18.4s.
Are you talking about Wooster last year?
Pulling Forum
I'd be willing to bet the best route would be to shrink the bore based around valve size, then de-stroke as necessary.
Pulling Forum
I think the reason state classes haven't flourished and maintained good numbers is due to the cost as a result of the rules.
I think If the rules are kept in check as they are now, I don't see why it being carried by a state or national organization would cause the class harm.
Pulling Forum
I agree. The first thing that needs to happen is LLSS puller need to show up at state events and pull in the heavy super class. There needs to be a consistent example of a good number of respectable of LLSS tractors that show they're willing to show up and compete on a regular basis. At that point you'll get the organization and promoters interested in adding the class.
Pulling Forum
My wife had a mean version of the flu in February, about a week after passing through Chicago airport. It was missing quite a few typical flu symptoms, and had here too weak to make it to the bathroom on her own. I took her to urgent care, they said it was "severe respiratory influenza" or something to that effect.
It was about 10 days until she was completely over it. I took care of he
Off-Topic Forum
It'll be 3 years on December 21st that he died of heart failure.
Head Games is still local, and will be back, set to run on kill.
Pulling Forum
In regards to Trump, the ones dumb enough to blame him either way aren't going to vote for him anyhow, they'll vote for whoever offers them the most free stuff.
At the end of the day unless he does something ridiculously stupid, I don't think it will have much influence on the number of votes he'll get.
Pulling Forum
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