
This is the page where we post our opinions, commentaries, and editorials about truck and tractor pulling. please remember, these are just our opinions.

Sponsorship (originally posted on 1-19-01)

Published 10/28/2008 05:00AM, by Dick Morgan Viewed: 2,270 times

(originally posted on 1-19-01)

In the world of sports, do we sometimes fail to see the big picture? Are we just interested in what’s good for us and not what’s good for the entire sport? For instance, when the ATPA decided to limit the opened-body trucks, I was sure this rule would benefit only a few full-body trucks. Then when I looked at the whole picture, I realized that their goal was to bring in as much sponsorship money as possible for each class. They hoped to have at least one, if not all, of the major truck manufacturers (Ford, Chevy, Dodge) become sponsors of the two-wheel and four-wheel drive classes. Now, I asked myself, why would these manufacturers want to sponsor vehicles that don’t look anything like what they sell? That’s why Roger Simons’, Dan Walsh’s, and Darrell Varner’s full-body trucks have a better chance at getting sponsorship money than the open-body trucks do.

I’m also wondering if John Deere, New Holland/C...

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Regarding the 1999 NTPA Rule Changes (originally posted on 11-22-98)

Published 10/28/2008 04:57AM, by Jake Morgan Viewed: 2,550 times

(originally posted on 11-22-98)

I am going to go through the new rule changes for the 1999 season and give my opinion. If you have a different opinion than I do feel free to email me, and I will post your mail on my feedback page. Now for my opinion on the 1999 rules.

Roll Cages- If you scroll down the page you will see that my opinion on this issue is pretty obvious, I am in complete agreement with the NTPA, I think the ATPA should follow suit and also make roll cages mandatory, I hope the ETPC in Europe does the same.

I also am glad to see that the NTPA has adopted five point harnesses for the tractors with roll cages. I know of one puller who had a wild ride going on an alcohol Superstock, and the tractor bucked him off. He landed in front of the rear tire, and luckily the sled operator was alert, and got to the kill switch in time, and shut the tractor down. The puller only injured his arm. None of this would have happened if he was w...

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Roll Cages (originally posted on 10-24-98)

Published 10/28/2008 04:56AM, by Jake Morgan Viewed: 3,854 times

(originally posted on 10-24-98)

It's my opinion that roll cages should be mandatory in certain classes of pulling. Pulling is far too dangerous a sport without them. I feel that the safety rules and regulations have not kept up with the technology and the amount of horsepower that some of these tractors are making. So how do we decide which classes get the roll cages.

I am not sure that there is any clean cut way to decide which classes get them. You cannot use the weight of the tractor to decide which ones should get roll cages, and which ones should not. This would eliminate the Mini-Mods, and I think that it is obvious that they are one of the most dangerous classes. A simple way to remedy the situation would be to either use a horsepower per pound ratio, or just choose which classes need them most. So, which classes need roll cages? Using the Horsepower per pound ratio, the Mini Mods are the most dangerous, and the wild rides that these tractors...

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The Top Two Pulls In the Country (originally Posted on 2-19-98)

Published 10/28/2008 04:54AM, by Jake Morgan Viewed: 3,320 times

Originally Posted on 2-19-98

For those of you who have never attended the NFMS, (National Farm Machinery Show) in Louisville, I highly recommend it. It was my first time attending it this year, and it did not disappoint me in the least. It may have been the best Pull that I have ever attended, and unfortunately the most expensive, but it was worth every penny. I have been going to Bowling Green for the past three years, and up until the NFMS is was easily the best pull, but now it takes a runner-up spot to Louisville, and this is why:

The following is a list of “Pros” of each pull, next week will be the list of “Cons”:



Indoors, so weather is never a factor, it can rain, snow, etc. and it doesn’t make on bite of difference, they will pull no matter what.
Light Superstocks, If your not a fan of this class then this point doesn’t matter, but the Light Super class at...

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