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To keep down wear on the tire when rolling around
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
Thank you Dick for editing my post looks so good
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
Pullers are there own worst enemy's. Always wanting to change the rules, afraid to hurt there buddies feelings. There definitely needs to be a committee over the pullers. Outside the box by knowledgeable people with the future best interest for the class at hand.
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
drill and tap the end of your camshaft to run your distributer
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
Blue Grass pulling died and was gone for several years several of us teamed up with Waddy ky truck pullers and started Ohio river valley tractor pullers association ,after Tom was out of the ATPA him and Kevin Fulks together brought back the Battle of the Blue grass .Some may knock Tom but late 80s and the 90s his pay outs was just about as high as they are know
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
Klint i agree it would be for your pull because tractors come from all over but not for ntpa ppl bstp or any other such like organization no need in having any rule in any class if theres know possibility of being checked an organization puts on a pull the puller should be guaranteed fairness befor driving 500 miles .A few random checks would go a long way anounce the day se who dont show up get
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
Cubic inches should be teched once a year by every organization every class that has a cubic inch limit class rules should not be under protest the organization that is operating as a buisness should guarantee a level playing field ive seen one check in 30 years the puller shouldnt be 100 percent responsible for a level playing field
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
I have a question are the v 8 engine tractors Chevy ,Hemi , or Bmw Mercedes,Volvos and such thanks
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
Tom done a lot for the sport like him or not i pulled several years with him never a problem we all make mistakes and a lot of people has got in over there heads but not publicized so much
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
Are you planning on pulling this 40 if so what class the 230 wont be a good choice
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
What if he spent all that money and they didnt work how would this forum read SUCK IT UP get on a waiting list or invest in making your own this is inavation or go to an agg tire only class or dot hes done took over the garden tractor tires nobody cries they just buy them although they need an extra compuond in the ruber to hold up against chuking
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
IRS dont know the 3000 horse 1066 is not your knew plow tractor that you bought to farm with that ended up being a piece of junk you bought that eat a few turbos and crankshafts over the summer and needed a custom set of gears installed to pull the corn planter the correct speed so the correct amount of kernels per acre are dropped AND the wide floatation tires with know tread are a must for LES
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
Pretty well all parts are inter changeable u can take a lot of weight off the axels if the 1800 is a series a it will have the lighter axles keep one set of high range gears then take another set of high range gears machine the centers out one set Then machine the centers from your low range set press in your high range except flip them upside down because theres one tooth difference betwe
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
Any tractor hitting the sand should be in a pull off not measured into the sand also rules should be made befor the pull and the same for all classes
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
Anyone on here could win a lot Heck pick Chizik 6 out of 10 times no way to loose and just go through each class whith the big money known faforites just like a horse they may stumbel or break a leg sumtimes but easy pickens
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
It sounds like im going to be scared to pull a five bottom plow with a 1066 running 2600 rpms it may explode on me in the back 40
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
I would agree with everything you just stated for your country everything is coming on strong for you here its done been there and done that .I was in Germany 3 years in the early 80s and never new there was a such thing as a tractor pulls there .Thats when we were booming here to me your classes are way more intereting than ours hope you all can keep it that way and keep sending the videos sor
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
I was surprised to se Monica Shaw driving my old tractor its a long way from being green lol
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
The economy and fuel prices will be so bad pulling is doomed a lot more Fairs will be gone the future is sad only the big shows will survive and then with know polluting black smoke
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
I had some at one time but some divorces just dont go very well
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
Nope the 360 degrees was figured into your 5 not ten one degree would be a lot further apart on a ten
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
I have a friend whos pulled alcohol SS since back in the 70s told me he has always ran the same 15/40 in his two tractors as he runs in his farm euq, Clearance the correct amount is where most of the problem is not oil brand a lot of clearance has to have heavier weight oil Lucas oil stabilizer gets thin as water when its heated up so does all the other oil
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
20 inches is 20 inches doesnt matter how you figure it stretch it out your going to lift the front end more but loose inches a lot faster
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
With the size limit on the two charges one bigger will be better the two small ones will just be choked up working against each other
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
T he big turbo big cube diesels are going to ruin the class if its let go on and not stopped soon, I had to brag on them because i tried to warn the class exactly what big turbos big cubes and weight is to do and it will only get worse but still congratulations to them they are playing by the rules with some super nice tractors
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
Does anyone know of any cummins factory cam blanks floating around `I would like to have a couple
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
It wore me out it was a good pull although i didnt do any good lots of competition ;The 8;3 oil pump works good for the cumins some use the deck plate but most use a piston with a fuel bowl or even flat tops dont waste your time in diesel pistons or natural gas they wont hold up
Lewis Conner
Pulling Forum
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