
This is the page where we post our opinions, commentaries, and editorials about truck and tractor pulling. please remember, these are just our opinions.

Does “electronic fuel injection” help or hurt the sport?

Published 11/11/2013 09:42AM, by Dick Morgan Viewed: 6,244 times

Will “electronic fuel injection” help or hurt

There is a topic that has not been addressed very much, yet could have a huge impact on the sport. The topic I am referring to is the “electronic fuel injection” [efi] that is now appearing on some tractors. I am not well versed on the subject to have an opinion, rather I would like to hear the pro's and con's of the issue.

I am never one to stop the technological advancements of the sport, yet I wonder if this is a move in the right direction. Does the use of efi make the class/classes more or less competitive, does it level the playing field, does it take tuning and R&D out of the sport. Does it open the door to th...

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Who makes pulling work!

Published 11/04/2013 10:57PM, by Dick Morgan Viewed: 3,807 times

Joe Fan
I have written a couple opinion articles on what I believe are the ingredient for a successful pull from the fans point of view. And after going to pulls that range from an A+, to a couple that where an F , I think I understand what it takes to put on a show that is fast, exciting and well run. I know I harp on starting on time and moving vehicles on timely manner. It's more than that, it's how these things happen that makes or breaks a tractor pull from a fans view point.

I don't know how many shows I've been to where the track equipment is blocking the fans view of either the start, finish or in some cases the entire track. I was at a state event this year ...

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Fans Bill of Rights

Published 04/10/2013 02:49AM, by Dick Morgan Viewed: 4,849 times

Our Freedoms
After having attended pulls for the last 40 years I have decided that the fans need a “fan bill of right”.I think there are things that every promoter needs to think about when putting on a pull. Having never been a puller or promoter I only have the prospective of the fan, therefore all my opinions come from the fans perspective. If a puller or promoter wants to also list their “bill of right” go for it!

The promoters need to realize that there are a few basic items that ever organization that sponsors a tractor pull will guarantee the fans. I don't believe if it's a huge national pull, or a local brush pull, indoor or out, the fans needs never really change. Here is my ...

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Please support the trust fund for Adam Biehl's daughters

Published 03/20/2013 09:05AM, by Jake Morgan Viewed: 6,972 times

The Mule Deere piloted by Adam Biehl
I was in disbelief a few days ago when I heard the news that Light Pro Stock puller and TPP owner Adam Biehl had passed away. I apologize in advance because I'm still at a loss about what to write.

I never got to spend much time with Adam; I met him once or twice very briefly and he seemed like a great guy. I've been fortunate enough to spend a good deal of time with his crew sitting trackside at Gordyville the past few years. They are a great bunch of guys who loved Adam and were amazingly proud of his accomplishments. I'd hear about the hard work and dedication Adam had building and transforming his tractor into a front runner, abou...

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Should the NFMS bring in the Lmt. PS or Lt. PS class?

Published 02/20/2013 07:32AM, by Dick Morgan Viewed: 4,207 times

Zach Howell
There is always the usual chatter after the NFMS about the need to give the show a facelift. The talk always is around classes that need to be dropped or added to the show. Not wanting to be left out of the armchair quarterback game I would like to add my worthless two cents to the debate.

I do agree that the diesel FWD needs to be replaced, now the question is should it be another FWD class or should the committee bring in another tractor class. If the committee decides to bring a FWD class it will naturally be the PPL-NTPA type of FWD class. However if the committee decides that another tractor class is what the fans want, then I think that a good choice would be the NTPA Light Pro Stock ...

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